I'll be hosting the event on Sunday, 5 November, from 11AM to 4PM EST. As well as having a fun time, there will be freebies and giveaways. Be sure to drop by to see what's going on..
Below is the list of zombie writers and the days they will be hosting.
1 Christopher Artinian
2 Daniel Green
3 John Darling
4 Ricky Fleet
5 Scott Baker
6 Michael Whitehead
7 Shelly Blalock
8 Javan Bonds
9 Sylvester Barzey
10 Alathia Morgan
11 Roma Gray
12 Fox trot
13 Kevin Penelerick
14 Rhiannon Frater
15 Rhiannon Frater
16 Jessica Gomez
17 John Darling
18 Zombiefiend
19 Michelle Weese
20 Mar Garcia Amorena blogger and reviewer, tips and tricks for promotion
21 I.J. Smith
22 Dawn Peer
23 Valerie Lioudi
24 Dusti Dawn Rose
25 David Simpson
26 Thomas Watson
27 Tj Weeks
28 Susane Sussex
29 Adrienne Lecter
30 Christopher Artinian