Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Will be Attending SwampCon 18-19 January 2014

On 18-19 January 2014, I'll be attending SwampCon at the University of Florida's Student Reitz Union in Gainesville. SwampCon is a free, two-day convention that focuses around anime, gaming, and Sci-Fi themed events that includes video game tournaments, table top gaming, contests, panels, special guest speakers, a maid cafe, and performances.  You can check out their Facebook page here.

Because of the University's regulations, I am not allowed to sell any of my books at the convention, though I will have some on display.  If you already have a copy of my books, swing on by and I'll be happy to autograph it.  Or just drop in to talk about the undead, the living dead, or being an author (which is like the living brain dead).

I hope to see you there.

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