Monday, June 1, 2015

Announcing the Book Launch for Rotter Nation for 15 June

Please join me on 15 June to participate in the book launch of Rotter Nation, the second novel in the Rotter World trilogy. The event will include a Goodreads giveaway of ten autographed copies of the book, an interview and giveaway being run by Zombiefiend, and a sneak peek at the cover for the final chapter in the trilogy--Rotter Apocalypse, which is scheduled to be released in October 2015.

The Kindle version of Rotter Nation is available for pre-order on Amazon.

Rotter Nation promises to be much darker and more disturbing than Rotter World. The survivors from the first book arrive back at Fort McHenry to find that it has been destroyed by a rape gang, and that Windows has been kidnapped. As Mike Robson leads one group in  a desperate attempt to rescue Windows and get revenge on those who murdered their friends, Natalie Bazargan takes her Angels on a cross-country journey to bring the Zombie Virus vaccine to the government-in-exile in Omaha; however, the Angels soon find out that the trip down to Site R ill prepared them for the horrors they will face in the American heartland. You can read an excerpt from Rotter Nation here.

See you all on 15 June.

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