Monday, March 30, 2015

Interesting Posts From Other Websites

There are two things all writers will have to deal with during their careers--having their e-books pirated and getting negative reviews. D.A. Roberts' Dealing With Negative Reviews offers some very good advice on how to handle the latter. My advice is to ignore the outrageously-bad reviews, like a colleague who received a one-star rating because the reviewer based his assessment on a reading of the jacket blurb. These are not worth getting upset over. If your books are bringing in consistently good reviews and ratings, one bad review of this caliber is not going to have an impact on sales. For those reviews that contain honest and constructive criticism, listen to what the reviewers say and assess accordingly. The number one criticism my books have received is that they contain sex scenes that detract from and slow down the pace of the story, so I've left them out of my newer works. Just always bear in mind that negative reviews are part of being a writer, so don't let them get you down. 

39 kickass Facebook marketing tips for socially awkward folks offers excellent pointers on how to more effectively use your Facebook page to connect with readers and build a loyal fan base. 

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